Sunday, March 25, 2012

Jr Iron Chef Competition

Three HES middle School students participated yesterday in the Jr Iron Chef VT Competition.  It was the 5th annual competition, but the first time the Hartland Hash Slingers  joined in.  I had fun, and it looked as if they did too!  There were about 72 other teams there at the Essex Fairgrounds from all over VT!!!  Our challenge was to make the most tasty, nutritious, locally grown, creative, attractive, simple vegetarian dish we could.  How do you do that all at once?  There were only 3 prizes given out, and we did not "win", but we gained lots of experience and enjoyed the day, and I hope these chefs want to come back to try again next year.  Thank you so much to the parents who helped with travel, supplies, and support, to Jaden's cousin Buddy, who imparted lots of chef knowledge to our fledgling chef's, and to our sponsors HES Farm to School Program and the Windsor County Farm Bureau for funding and support.

 Do you want our recipe for Wheatberry Apple Pilaf with Kale Chips?  Click on its name.
At Work

Waving the Finished Flag

Serving the judges' portions


The final presentations were impressive