Sunday, February 3, 2013

Jr Iron Chef Competition

 The Hartland Hash Slingers have just returned from the Jr Iron Chef Competition, which was held at the Essex Fairgrounds in Essex, VT again this year.  Returning team members Daisy and Anyata, and new member Ileana, showed culinary prowess in developing, cooking, and presenting their recipe of Potato Beet Pancakes.  Ms. Bernstein and I were there to lend moral support and join the fun- as the adult coaches, we were not allowed to touch anything during the competition!

We spent all day yesterday at the middle school and high school competition, which is run by VT FEED and the Farm to School Programs.  These programs promote healthy eating in our schools.  Seventy-five teams competed, so it was a busy place!

This picture gives you an idea of the atmosphere of industriousness in the huge room.  These boys, assigned to the space next to us, are from Charlotte.  They won Best in Show!

Potato Beet Pancakes frying.  The beets gave them their lovely color.

Exquisite Presentation
Waving the green flag to let the judges know they are finished

Judges comments:  Wonderful taste, and great presentation

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Collages Inspired by Eric Carle

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade Collages Inspired by the work of picture book artist Eric Carle
“I begin with plain tissue paper and paint it with different colors, using acrylics. Sometimes I paint with a wide brush, sometimes with a narrow brush. Sometimes my strokes are straight, and sometimes they’re wavy. Sometimes I paint with my fingers. Or I paint on a piece of carpet, sponge, or burlap and then use that like a stamp on my tissue papers to create different textures.
These papers are my palette and after they have dried I store them in color-coded drawers. Let’s say I want to create a caterpillar: I cut out a circle for the head from a red tissue paper and many ovals for the body from green tissue papers; and then I paste them with wallpaper glue onto an illustration board to make the picture.”  - Eric Carle

Our students explored painting paper using many techniques:

Scratching texture through paint with combs
Sponge painting
Textured sponge paint rollers
Sprinkling salt on wet paint
Painting on wet paper
Paper Marbling

Saran wrap, bubble wrap on wet paint
 Straw painting
Splatter painting
Crayon rubbings and resist painting

Students chose papers to represent sky and ground.  Then they cut out shapes from other papers to show animals and other details for their pictures.